Stream Wood/Large Woody Material

The Water Resources team at the County of Santa Cruz Environmental Health Division works in partnership with the County Department of Community Development and Infrastructure to manage a Large Woody Material Management Program, also known as the Stream Wood Program. Large woody material, or stream wood, provides essential habitat for steelhead and coho salmon and helps support many other important watershed functions. 

The Stream Wood Program is guided by County policy that was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2009. The policy calls for leaving wood in the stream to support habitat, watershed function, and flood protection to the greatest extent possible.  Only when it poses an imminent threat to public safety, infrastructure or existing habitat, stream wood may be modified (cut or repositioned). Modification is limited to the minimum extent necessary.

For more information about the important functions of large wood in the watershed, see the program brochure.

For both urgent and non-urgent requests for assistance with stream wood, call the Public Works Service Line at 831 477-3999.  Non-emergency requests can also be reported at or emailed to

The Program is currently funded through Santa Cruz County Zone 4 and through a grant from the State of California Wildlife Conservation Board.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Stream Wood Program:

Who may received assistance through the program?

Property owners that are concerend about large wood in the stream channel may request that the site be evaluated to determine if it is a candidate for the County Stream Wood Program.  If not included in the Stream Wood Program, property owners that are interested in doing work in stream channels and riparian areas should consult the Planning Division, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and other resource management agencies for permit requirements.

What does the program cover?

The Stream Wood Program covers most Santa Cruz County streams that support or potentially support native fish populations, excluding the Pajaro River and some of its tributaries, which are maintained by the County Zone 7 Flood Control District.

The program receives a limited amount of funding.  Due to limited resources, the program may not be able to provide assistance for all of the requests received in a given year.  

The program only addresses large wood in stream channels and does not address live trees or other concerns to private property. For assistance with these matters contact Santa Cruz County Public Works Division or the Planning Division.

What does it mean to participate in the Stream Wood Program?

Participation in the Stream Wood Program is voluntary.  Participants agree to collaborate with program staff to follow the program guidelines. Wood will only be modified if it poses an imminent threat to public safety, infrastructure or aquatic habitat. Large wood will be left in place whenever possible for the benefits it provides to fish and overall watershed function.  Property owners interested in modifying stream wood and choosing to not participate in the program (or are not eligible for the program) may contact the Planning DivisionCDFW and other permitting agencies for information about permitting requirements.

How is the program managed?

The program is run by County Environmental Health (Water Resources), in partnership with the Community Development and Infrastructure Department (Public Works). Program activities are overseen by a number of resource management agencies and experts including California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), NOAA Fisheries, and consulting experts in engineering, hydrology and geomorphology.  Stream wood modified through the program is permitted by CDFW through its Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Program.  

How do I request assistance through the Stream Wood Program?

For both urgent and non-urgent requests for assistance with stream wood, call 831 477-3999. Non-emergency requests can also be reported at or emailed to